
The Sound of Termites

Watch the video and listen to the sound of termites.

Dec 01, 2022 / by admin / Comments are off for this post

Biting Insects

Biting Insects are very common and can be difficult to control. Look around your property for items that could be retaining still water enabling these insects to breed including Bromelaid plants etc. Try spraying a natural repellent like diluted Citronella or Lavendar oil around all door / window screens. This may help.

Aug 08, 2018 / by admin / Comments are off for this post

Be careful what you plant

Some trees while they look great and provide amazing shade can actually cause damage to the footings of your home and allow undetected termite access via their root system. See photos in our Gallery of a tree root system that was found 14 metres away from the tree in a subfloor.

Aug 08, 2018 / by admin / Comments are off for this post

The Correct Identification

The Correct Identification of a pest plays a crucial part of eradicating any pest problem. If your unsure what you problem is please feel free to email a photo of this pest to While we are not Entomologists, many times we can help identify the cause of the problem at hand. Just simply complete the Identify Pest form and attach your photo to help with the identification process. Once correctly identified, Common Courtesy will arrange a fully licensed technician to assist in the control of this pest or provide you with advice on how you the customer may be able to…

Aug 08, 2018 / by admin / Comments are off for this post